Educator Programs
Golden Apple
Golden Apple is an educator development program that combines the sharing of high impact practices within and among educators and schools, recognizing and celebrating the teaching profession, and providing continued leadership development for teachers. The goal of Golden Apple is to empower teachers to facilitate the sharing of high impact practices and build alignment and support within the educator community. As a result, the program cultivates teachers’ future growth in the profession and prepares them for success in the classroom.
Champions For Learning begins the selection process begins by inviting each Collier County Public School to designate an outstanding teacher and their high impact practice. Teachers of Distinction stand out among their colleagues – their ingenuity enables them to create and establish high impact practices that lead to definable and demonstrable student success in their classrooms. These teachers are also willing to share their high impact practices with others and participate in peer learning and networking. Champions For Learning’s volunteer selection committee meets and visits the classrooms of all Teachers of Distinction to learn about their high impact practices. After careful consideration and discussion, the committee identifies four practices to highlight, and these teachers are honored as the Golden Apple recipients.
The culmination of the selection process is the Golden Apple Celebration Event. During the event, the Teachers of Distinction and the Golden Apple recipients are celebrated and recognized for their high impact practices and contributions to their profession.
The Golden Apple Leadership Academy
The Golden Apple Leadership Academy is designed to strengthen the connection between, and alignment of, educators within Collier’s schools by facilitating the sharing of teaching high impact practices and the development of teacher leaders. The Leadership Summit is limited to Golden Apple recipients, whereas the Golden Apple Leadership Sessions is open to both Teachers of Distinction and Golden Apple recipients. This commitment to encourage career growth and collaboration among our teachers results in stronger classrooms, schools, and communities.
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