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Celebrating Teachers: Adapting Golden Apple
30th Annual Golden Apple Celebration of Teachers
Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 7 pm
Champions For Learning is celebrating the 30th anniversary of The Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program this year. Each year teachers from across Collier County and their best practices are recognized, and six teachers highlighted as Golden Apple recipients through committed media partners, Naples Daily News and NBC-2. The primary purpose for this recognition is to honor outstanding educators in our community, highlight their best practices, and share our community’s utmost respect for the profession of teaching.
The television special highlighting Collier County’s Golden Apple teachers and Teachers of Distinction will air on Sunday April 5th at 7 pm on NBC-2 and will feature the six Golden Apple teachers and their practices along with highlighting our sponsors and Teachers of Distinction. In addition, there will be social media to promote the television program as well as give our educators prominence in our community.
With the current challenges of the COVID-19 virus, we want to be socially responsible, and not put school staff and families at risk. In lieu of an annual dinner, and with the support of our generous sponsors, we will adapt the program and devote our celebrations to teachers and their classroom practices by funding classroom projects for each of the 52 Teachers of Distinction and Golden Apple teachers.
“We want to keep the focus on our teachers at this time, and hope that by investing in their classroom practices and avoiding large events, we will help to support the health of our community,” shares Susan McManus, President, Champions For Learning. “We are so grateful to our sponsors and the entire community for continuing to support and recognize the important role that teachers play.”
Thank you to Suncoast Credit Union as presenting sponsor of the Golden Apple program, along with major sponsors: and Naples Grande Beach Resort. Additional support is provided by our Major Sponsors: Conditioned Air, eBella Magazine, the Mary Ingram Fund of the Columbus Foundation, Moorings Park, Naples Daily News, Naples Grande Beach Resort, NBC-2, Stock Development, and Wells Fargo.