Make a Gift

Your investment is critical to our success

There are many ways to support the Education Foundation of Collier County Inc. – Champions For Learning. Your investment in the mission of Education Foundation of Collier County Inc. – Champions For Learning is critical to our ability to serve as a catalyst for educational success by investing in Collier’s students and educators. We thank you for your careful consideration.

Ways To Give

Make An Online Gift

Make a secure gift online. You are welcome to make a one-time gift or establish a monthly recurring gift. Monthly recurring gifts allow you to spread your investment in education across an entire year, making your commitment more manageable and automatic.

Give via Check

Please make checks payable to:
The Education Foundation of Collier County Inc. – Champions For Learning

Mail to:
3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150, Naples, FL 34104

Appreciated Securities

Giving in sensible and practical ways may help minimize your tax burden and stretch your charitable dollars. Gifts of appreciated securities include stocks, bonds and mutual funds.

Here are some ways that securities held for more than 12 months can offer potential tax savings:

  • A gift of appreciated stock may eliminate capital gains tax.
  • A gift of appreciated stock allows you to claim a charitable deduction up to 30% of your adjusted gross income.

Instructions you can provide to your broker can be received by phone, email, or fax. However, because of privacy statues, financial institutions cannot provide us with the name of the donor of gifts of stock. Please let us know of your plans so we can appropriately acknowledge your gift.

Simply call Cindy Nelson
Chief Development Officer
Office: 239.687.1372


When planning your IRA withdrawal strategy, you may want to consider making charitable donations through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity such as the Education Foundation of Collier County, Inc. – Champions For Learning. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year, as long as certain rules are met. In addition to the benefits of giving to the Education Foundation of Collier County, a QCD excludes the amount donated from taxable income, which is unlike regular withdrawals from an IRA.

  • You must be 70½ or older to be eligible to make a QCD.
  • QCDs are limited to the amount that would otherwise be taxed as ordinary income. This excludes non-deductible contributions.
  • In 2025 gifts up to $108,000 are eligible and this amount will increase annually for inflation. (If, however, you file taxes jointly, your spouse can also make a QCD from his or her own IRA within the same tax year.
  • For a QCD to count towards your current year’s Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), the funds must be received directly by Champions For Learning and come out of your IRA by your RMD deadline, generally December 31. Beginning in 2023, if you do not withdraw your RMD, you will face a penalty tax of 25% of the required withdrawal amount.

You simply need to provide your financial firm with our legal name, address and EIN.

Legal Name: The Education Foundation of Collier County Inc.
Address: 3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite 150, Naples, FL 34104
EIN: 65-0230582


A donor advised fund (DAF), which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to the Education Foundation of Collier County and other qualified charities. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.

You can also create a legacy by naming the Education Foundation of Collier County the beneficiary of the entire account or a percentage of the fund. With a percentage, you can create a family legacy of giving by naming your loved ones as your successor to continue recommending grants to charitable organizations such as the Education Foundation of Collier County. Contact your fund administrator for a beneficiary form.

ACH or Wire

Simply call Cindy Nelson
Chief Development Officer
Office: 239.687.1372

Honor Someone Special with a Gift in Their Name

If you have a loved one who has been impacted by the Education Foundation of Collier County, establishing a memorial or tribute gift is a meaningful way to honor them or celebrate a special occasion, such as birthday or anniversary, while supporting our mission to serve as a catalyst for educational success. Your memorial or tribute gift will extend the legacy of your loved one and will make a difference.

Planned Giving

Estate planning makes certain that your property will be distributed according to your wishes after your death and helps to manage the eroding effects of federal estate taxes and the expenses of estate administration. Estate planning is really just another term for good stewardship.

By including the Education Foundation of Collier County, Inc. – Champions for Learning in your estate plan, you put your financial assets to work in a way that extends the benefits of your generosity and ensures that every student has a life-changing learning experience. We will work with you, and your financial advisors if desired, to help you select the giving tools to meet your philanthropic goals. You and your loved ones could also receive substantial tax and financial benefits, and you will be welcomed as a member of our Laurel Society.

The Laurel Society is a special network recognizing supporters who include the Education Foundation of Collier County, Inc. – Champions For Learning in their Will or estate plan, or who establish a gift with Education Foundation of Collier County that provides income for life. Education Foundation of Collier County’s mission to serve as a catalyst for educational success by investing in Collier’s students and educators is possible through the vital support of the Laurel Society, and other individuals who have made special commitments to the Education Foundation of Collier County. Everything we have accomplished we have accomplished with you, our donors.

We hope you will consider joining the Laurel Society and help continue the Education Foundation of Collier County’s work invest in Collier’s students and educators. Through your estate plan, you can pass on your cherished values and share the gift of education with generations to come.

Become a member of the Laurel Society by doing any of the following:

  • Name the Education Foundation of Collier County as a beneficiary in your Will or Trust.
  • Name the Education Foundation of Collier County as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy.
  • Make a gift to the Education Foundation of Collier County through a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.

Simply call Cindy Nelson
Chief Development Officer
Office: 239.687.1372

Employer Match

Many employers offer a match to the charitable gifts of their employees and retirees. It is most common for the match to be equal to the value of the employee’s gift, subject to an annual maximum. In some cases, though, the match may be even more. You may contact your HR office to learn whether your employer has a Matching Gift Program.

Why Do I Give?


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make a difference