As the cost of college continues to increase, financial aid becomes ever more important. While many factors are involved in the decision to attend college, a strong correlation exists between FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, completion and college enrollment. A completed FAFSA form opens the door for need and merit aid to be award from the Federal, State, and Institutional level. In fact, over 90% of all private scholarships require the FAFSA to be completed.
This year, Champions For Learning received funding from the Florida Lottery through the “Lighting the Way to A Bright Future” program which funds standout projects that support students and families in understanding and taking the next steps to successful postsecondary education. Champions used this extra funding to promote FAFSA completion, including a district-wide competition. After keeping a close eye on FAFSA completion rates by high school, Lely High was deemed the winner, having increased FAFSA completion over 11% from last year.
To celebrate, Champions For Learning will be providing all 140 Lely High seniors who have completed the FAFSA with a pizza party and trophy on Thursday, May 5th at 1:00pm in the Lely High cafeteria. “This is a huge accomplishment and such a testament to the dedication of the school counseling team’s dedication to helping students prepare for life after high school”, said Jessica Manchette, Chief Information Officer of Champions For Learning.
Many of these students are currently eligible to receive a Jump Start scholarship this year through Champions For Learning.
“The Jump Start scholarship will provide over 100 eligible students with 30 credit hours, enabling them to enroll in a Florida technical program, state college or state university for one year,” said Susan McManus, President & CEO of Champions For Learning, “helping them obtain the credentials and degrees they need to enter our workforce.”
The Jump Start application is now open. Students and families can learn more and begin the application process by visiting the Jump Start webpage.