Changemakers, Our Work for Students

Your Business Experience Could Help Students Grow

You have the ability to impact the life of a Collier County student by becoming an entrepreneurship coach for the Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) High School Entrepreneurship program. In this program, students create and fully develop their own product or service while also learning foundational business topics. Coaches are knowledgeable subject matter experts guiding the student teams in certain areas of their project. Champions For Learning will provide you with guidelines and curriculum to help you co-teach or consult a specialty area to your student teams.

As an entrepreneurship coach you work with students in their class to help them learn the material you either co-teach and present through lectures and activities or consult with each student team and help them apply it to their product or service. You will have access to the curriculum and materials needed for the days you are in class. Coaching occurs on school grounds, during Entrepreneurship class periods, either one-time or monthly.

Coaches will be needed to co-teach or consult with teams on the following topics:

Fall: Spring:
·       Value Proposition ·       Website Creation
·       Customer Segmentation ·       Implementation Planning
·       Introduction to Market Sizing ·       Legal
·       Positioning ·       Storytelling
·       Marketing for Startups ·       Marketing Planning
·       Pricing ·       Sales Planning
·       Initial Revenue Forecasting ·       Financial Story
·       Financial Statements & Health Analysis ·       Forecasting & Minimum Success Criteria
·       Presentation/Public Speaking ·       Funding Requests

·       Presentation/Public Speaking

Join us at our next Entrepreneurship 101 informational session for more details. The virtual session will review information regarding the Entrepreneurship program and the role and responsibilities of a mentor, including the next steps to becoming a coach. For more information or to reserve your virtual spot, please click HERE.

For more information, please contact Danielle Viens-Payne via email at or via phone at 239-263-5785.