“Definitely the greatest mentor I’ll ever have in my life”.
That is how Tyler Knight, a graduate from the Champions For Learning Take Stock In Children program, describes his mentor to this day – a mentor that he was partnered with nearly eight years ago.
Bill Beynon was Tyler’s mentor throughout his high school career. Today, he continues to provide support and guidance to Tyler.
During his high school years, Tyler says he did not know if college was for him and did not know what he wanted to do. Tyler says it was Bill that took him down a different direction that ended up being the best direction for him.
“I had an opportunity to really work with him through high school which was wonderful. Being involved in his life, he’s really become part of our family,” said Bill.
Becoming ‘part of the family’ has been taken to a new level when it comes to Tyler and Bill’s relationship. Tyler’s younger sister, Tiffany, is currently in the program as well. Her mentor is no other than Bill’s wife, Nena.
“Tiffany is a senior right now and we try to meet once a week, once every other week,” said Nena Beynon. “It’s kind of exciting to be together, knowing that it’s Tyler sister, and because they are family as well. It’s an exciting future. We’re having a good time.”
With Tyler’s encouragement, Tiffany applied for Champions For Learning and was accepted. When Tiffany’s original mentor had to step down due to an illness, Nena jumped right in.
“Because I already knew of Bill through him being Tyler’s mentor, it kind of felt like Nena and I already knew each other a bit. She really pushes me to do my best. She’s a really great influence. She’s helped me a lot through the college process and getting through high school,” said Tiffany.
Bill and Nena have been involved with Champions For Learning for years! The couple first became part of the organization about 17 years ago after being introduced to Champions For Learning through one of Bill’s former business partners.
Both Bill and Nena have been mentoring high school students for about 12 years. Combined, they have now mentored six students.
“I love the opportunity of getting to go into the schools and meeting new kids and working with them,” said Nena. “People always ask, ‘Is it a long process? I’m thinking about doing it. What do you think?’ Really, it’s just like an hour of your time during the week.”
Bill and Nena have been involved with Champions For Learning over the years in more ways than mentoring. Both have given their time serving on various committees as well as Bill being on the Board of Directors for four years. They have also generously given financially to Champions For Learning.
“We are so blessed and lucky to live here and have our businesses here. We feel it’s a responsibility to give back,” said Bill. “We’re very selective in the organizations that we participate in. Champions does such a good job. They’re a wonderful steward of the financial resources provided to them and the impacts that they’re providing in the work that we see and the results coming from that work are really meaningful.”
Today, Tyler works for his mentor Bill as an associate at Capital Wealth Advisors.
When asked why others should get involved with Champions For Learning, Bill responded, “It will impact you in such a positive way that you won’t even realize it. Not just the financial impact and seeing the outcomes and seeing where your dollars go but getting an opportunity to build relationships and seeing the impact you can have on others is just so rewarding.”
Watch Bill and Nena’s story here!