
Announcing Tom Riley as 2017-2018 Heart of the Apple Recipient

Champions For Learning is proud to announce that Tom Riley has been named the 2017-2018 Heart of the Apple Award recipient for the significant impact he has made in Collier County. Riley is Founder & Chairman of Thomas Riley Artisans’ Guild – a fine interior woodworking company that has been committed to local youth and education since its inception.

Each year, Champions For Learning awards a Heart of the Apple in recognition of sustained and committed leadership in support of building the culture of learning in our community through the mission of Champions For Learning.

Riley’s commitment to “nothing less than monumental” in every endeavor, includes his dedication to education in the community. He has provided internships and opened his workshop to thousands of students through programs that demonstrate the importance of hard work, respect and passion. Riley has also supported the Golden Apple program by donating his and his team’s time and talent to create the hand-carved lecterns and stage setting that is used at the annual event to this day. Over the years, Riley has contributed the work of his team of artisans to support the Champions For Learning mission.

Susan McManus, President, Champions For Learning, says, “We are proud to honor Tom who has had a lasting commitment to our educators and students. He has shown great support of education through his involvement with Golden Apple. Tom’s passion to help support local teachers and students truly embodies the Heart of the Apple Award.”

Thank you to Tom Riley for helping to connect students to their future.

The Heart of the Apple and the Golden Apple recipients will be honored at the 28th Annual Golden Apple Celebration of Teachers Dinner presented by Suncoast Credit Union on April 16, 2018, at the Naples Grande Beach Resort. Opportunities to sponsor a school to attend the event are available. For more information on event sponsorships and ticket sales click here.